Hey everyone👋
We’ve got a short but sweet blog for you today, all about one of the most important aspects of good fitting and functioning AFO's, and that is range of motion. And the most problematic areas amongst our AFO and SMO wearers, is the Achilles tendon. So whether you're a parent helping your child with stretching, or you work with patients who need a little extra foot and ankle help, this one’s for you!
What is the Achilles tendon? The Achilles tendon is a thick tendon in the calf that connects the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles to the heel bone. And guess what? It is the strongest tendon in the ENTIRE BODY!

Why Stretching the Achilles Tendon Is So Important 🦶
Whether you're dealing with an idiopathic toe walker, or a child with a neuromuscular condition like Cerebral Palsy, losing adequate range of motion of the Achilles tendon for can happen fast, real fast. And once we lose it, we cannot wear our AFO's or braces. So we need to be on our stretching, but if we are not careful, we can actually cause more harm then good if we do not stretch properly.
Stretching the Right Way 💪
Let’s break it down step by step (pun intended 😉):
Step 1: Keep the Knee Straight When you're stretching the Achilles, the knee has to be straight. Why? Because the Achilles tendon/gastrocnemius complex crosses the knee joint. You want to make sure you’re stretching the whole length of it, so don’t forget to lock that knee!
Step 2: Watch the Foot This part’s crucial! Too often we think a toe walker can get their whole foot on the ground (achieve a neutral ankle position), but in reality, the tendon is not being stretched, but the flat foot is achieved only through midfoot collapse, messing with the small tendons in the foot. Ouch! 😬
Step 3: Protect the Foot’s Anatomy Here’s where things get a little technical but bear with us! Because the Achilles is a powerhouse, and the smaller tendons in the foot are going to go first, we want to control this by preventing the foot from collapsing outward (that’s called "valgus"). Keeping the foot in alignment protects those smaller tendons and ensures the stretch is targeting the right spot—your Achilles!
How to Get That Perfect Stretch 💡
Now, let’s get hands-on! Here’s a quick trick I like to use (and Polly can vouch for it!):
Cup the heel (hindfoot) in your hand and gently pull it into a slight inward position (we call that "varus"). This keeps everything aligned.
Use your thumb to feel for the navicular bone (the one that can pop out a bit). It might tickle, but that means you’re in the right place! 😄
Keep the midfoot locked so it doesn’t rotate outward. This helps direct the stretch straight to the Achilles.
Line up the second toe with the tibia (that’s your shin bone).
Now you got the perfect stretch! This method helps you focus all the force on the Achilles, without compromising the rest of the foot.
Final Thoughts 💭
Stretching is something we often overlook, but when it comes to the Achilles, it’s worth taking the time to do it right. Whether you're working with patients, kids, or just looking after your own feet, I hope this guide gives you some helpful pointers.
So, next time you stretch (or help someone else stretch), remember these simple tips to protect that all-important tendon!
Thanks so much for stopping by, and we hope this was helpful! Have a great day, everyone! 🎉